Time before attack. +25 %. You should take appropriate precautions. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Ruddershift could fit better than DCM2. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. 1. Developed from the Leberecht Maass -class destroyers (Zerstörer 1936A type), this ship had larger dimensions and greater firepower compared to her prototype. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. -50 %. Posted November 12. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. 03-alpha. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. AA mount survivability. You should take appropriate precautions. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. A tool for viewing other players stats for the current match in World of Warships - GitHub - razaqq/PotatoAlert: A tool for viewing other players stats for the current match in World of WarshipsWorld of Warships Supertest: Spanish Tier III Cruiser Navarra. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Chances of a fire being caused by a shell of a caliber of more than 160 mm, or an HE bombInertia Fuse for HE Shells. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. +25 %. +25 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. -50 %. Completely restores engine boost for the last attack flight of the aircraft carrier's planes. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Enhances ship parameters for each 1% of HP lost. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. -50 %. +25 %. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. 5deg/s to current turret traverse rates of. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. You need to open a ship profile in each tab and keep switching between them. I have been away from the game for some time, has there been any mention of correcting this silliness considering the direction they are taking. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. -50 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. Tier 7 France Battleship. 2 %. Enhances ship parameters for each 1% of HP lost. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. -50 %. -50 %. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Have fun. 550 mm 23DT. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. +25 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. 3 to see how big a gun needs to be to overmatch. 2. -50 %. -50 %. -50 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. i think propulsion might be better to get in and out quickly. Illinois>Siegfried>sevastopol imo. Priority sector is activated by pressing [CMD_SET_PRIORITY_SECTOR] while facing in the direction of attacking hostile aircraft. Completely restores engine boost for the last attack flight of the aircraft carrier's planes. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. -50 %. +25 %. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. -50 %. 139 mm/50 Mle 1934/1929 on an Mle 1935/1929 mount. +25 %. -50 %. -50 %. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. +25 %. +25 %. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Numbers are scaled from a sample, and similar keywords are grouped together. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. It took longer than expected due to finding out how to extract data and whatnot. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. -50 %. Upgrades. To help with the comparison, the tool shows all range-dependant parameters (e. -50 %. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. -50 %. +25 %. -50 %. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Georgia comes packed with six 18-inch guns in. 5 km. The meaning of WOFT is Scottish variant of weft. -50 %. Hello I am the no. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. -50 %. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. +25 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. +25 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. Victor Lima : Hurricane is approaching. +25 %. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. -50 %. -50 %. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. shell flight time, dispersion, AP penetration) with the same firing range for all ships. -50 %. Increases the action time of the Damage Control Party and Fast Damage Control Team consumables. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. -50 %. PCA n° 8 Mle 1. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Yes you can reset the line over and over. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. AFT - Advanced Firing Training, which boosts secondary battery and AA range by 20%. Increases the action time of the Spotting Aircraft and Rapid Takeoff Spotter consumables. -50 %. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. -50 %. -50 %. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. Reduces the risk of catching fire. G7 Steinbutt. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. WoWsFT has not been working since yesterdays morning. Main Armaments Modification 1 : Risk of main battery becoming incapacitated-20 %: Main battery survivability +50 %: Main battery repair time-20 %: Risk of torpedo tubes becoming incapacitatedInertia Fuse for HE Shells. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. -80 %. -50 %. -50 %. WG's official response was given out, and while I'm not fully satisfied it's. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Once you select a ship, you can then work on builds, fiddle around with. +25 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. 0. From what I've heard sevastopol is a no, Siegfried is decent imo, I really like her. -50 %. +25 %. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. You're a Yoshino, you kite at around 15-16km and shoot HE. [WoWSFT] WoWS Fitting Tool isn't working properly at the moment . A warning about a salvo fired at your ship from a distance of more than 4. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. v0. -50 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. After this skill is mastered, the player will have the direction to the nearest enemy ship indicated to them. Equipment. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. +25 %. -50 %. In my opinion long range farm builds are not a good idea because of her poor manoeuvrability and her floaty shell arcs. com you can determine the development of World of Warships players. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Increases the action time of the Damage Control Party and Fast Damage Control Team consumables. This will help you make a decision. -50 %. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. EM - Expert Marksman, which increases turret traverse rate - adds 2. Risk of main battery becoming incapacitated. -50 %. Jinan — Pan-Asian Tier X cruiser. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Equipment. +25 %. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. You should take appropriate precautions. I am playing my Friesland with the same build as you have, with the addition of BFT and Priority Target. -50 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Free XP can also be used to train. +25 %. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. -50 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. -50 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Tier 9 Germany Cruiser. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Consumable action time. -50 %. +25 %. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Consumable action time. 2 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. -50 %. 550 mm 23DT. -50 %. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Equipment. Siegfried. I'm not claiming these builds to be optimal, I just maxed out. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. -50 %. -50 %. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. SUO Mk 10 Mod. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. +25 %. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. 152 mm/55 Mle 1930 on an Mle 1930 mount. +25 %. Reduces the risk of catching fire. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Automatically generating wowsft/ships. +25 %. Propulsion: 147,000 hp. -50 %. -50 %. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Reduces the risk of catching fire. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. 380 mm/52 SK C/34 on a Drh LC/34 mount. -50 %. -50 %. 5 km. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Professional Development Classes (U Got Class) Most of the adult classes WDMCS Community Education offers are courses and certificates through U Got Class, an online learning resource for adults. Minimap API Support for Game Client 12. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Sadly not as good. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. A warning about a salvo fired at your ship from a distance of more than 4. Reload time reduction for all types of armament for each 1% of HP lost. you can use the wiki. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Chances of HE shells causing a fire on target. That whole copy paste thing is so annoying, really don't understand why they don't just implement a search function. Your torpedoes are for dumping into gaps. World of Warships - Global wiki. +25 %. -50 %. WoWS Builds. +25 %. Engine Boost Modification 1. 24. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Risk of. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. 301 Moved Permanently. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. +25 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. The ship carries 8 turres with 2 guns each,4 on either side. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. -50 %. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. -50 %. Increases the action time of the Damage Control Party and Fast Damage Control Team consumables. +25 %. Sucks as it was such a good site. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. 0. -50 %. SDT 10 mod. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Chances of HE shells causing a. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Propulsion: 176,000 hp. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. -50 %. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. -50 %. -50 %. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. +40 %. +25 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. When an aircraft carrier's Fighter consumable is activated, an additional aircraft is launched. In 21 point cpt on Kleber I would not go without CE and RPF because than you lose tho much in DD hunter role ( and I love Kleber because of this ). Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Reduces the risk of catching fire. -50 %. -50 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. She received upgrades in the interwar period, and during World War II, Renown participated in the hunt for the German raiders Graf Spee and Bismarck, as well as the. Secondary battery HE shell armor penetration capability. -50 %. +25 %. -50 %. -50 %. +40 %. Yes, it would be a waste: your stock range is over 24 km. +25 %. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. -50 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells with a caliber above 139 mm. now they can have more confidence in spending the huge price on one ship and pull the trigger on the. -50 %. 14 Alpha which only uses game client data. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. +100 %. -50 %. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Inertia Fuse for HE Shells. Chances of causing a fire by HE shells without modifiers applied are reduced by half. Main battery HE shell armor penetration capability. +25 %. Chances of a fire being caused by a shell of a caliber of more than 160 mm, or an HE bombInertia Fuse for HE Shells.